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Another Happy New Year about Second World Touring Exhibition of Shojo Manga!: 米国(&中南米)巡回少女マンガ展示会第二弾スタート!

Happy New Year!

I am very pleased to announce that the second shojo manga touring exhibition was launched here in Chico on Tuesday, 11/12 (till 1/31/2014).  


今回の展示会は前回の展示会をベースにしておりますが、前回ご参加いただいた23人の作家さんの中から、12人の作家さんの複製作品約53点(原画を元に私の方で直接複製原画としてコピーを作らせていただいた作品+特別原画5点 (萩尾望都作)を展示することなりました(*複製作品には先生方の「直筆」のサインを頂いています。ご協力ご厚意に感謝 ^_^)。


ご興味のある方はリンクをクリックいただければ、チコでの開催の様子: 1) Bell Memorial Union Gallery and 2) Janet Turner Print Museum along with Ayres Hall Show Case) 並びに図録情報がご覧になります。今後ともどうぞご支援の程、よろしくお願い申し上げます。

As the 1st touring exhibition of shojo manga (2005-08), this 2nd touring show will also travel to six more venues in the US (2013-2015) and also Central and possibly South America (2015 - ): 

1. California State University, Chico (11/11-12/14/2013)
2. University of Arizona (2/24-3/21/2014)
3. Pennsylvania State University (August - September, 2014)
4. Vassar College, NY (10/27-11/21/2014)
5. Baruch College, the NY City College (January - March, 2015)
6. Ohio State University (March - May, 2015)

*The exhibition catalogue was also published along with the show via the on-demand book site BookPatch: World of Shojo Manga! 

The show in CSU-Chico was two complementary exhibitions:

In this show,  36 shojo manga artworks created by 12 artists are chronologically displayed based on three time periods after W.W. II. 

2) Girl Talk: Shojo Manga and Women's Prints at Janet Turner Print Museum: 
The other is a unique show that compares 22 shojo manga artworks and 24 selected prints from the collection of the Janet Turner Print Museum. In this show,  Shojo manga and selected prints, including one from Picasso, with the theme of "Women" are displayed next to each other. This comparative show is the idea of the JTPM's curator, Catherine Sullivan. The particular pairings of shojo manga and prints are selected based on her intuition and inspiration. (*The catalogue of this particular show at JTPM will be published shortly!)

My Opening Talk (YouTube): 

*Girl Speak, Lecture by Masami Toku 1 of 3 (10 min.)
*Girl Speak, Lecture by Masami Toku 2 of 3 (10 min.)
*Girl Speak, Lecture by Masami Toku 3 of 3 (10 min.)

Other Media Information:

* Women-themed Artworks and Japanese Comic/Cartoon Shojo Manga Pieces to be Exhibited at the Turner (CSU-Chico School of the Arts Events)
* 'Girl Speak' Shojo manga exhibit brings work of some of Japan's best artists to Chico State (11/14/2013 at CN&R)
* Of women-themed print works and shojo manga images (10/27/2013 at Chico Enterprise-Entertainment)

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